Not sure what your porch options are?


Limited call hours during M-F 9-5

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        Your SweetCabin can be built up to thirty feet wide and as long as you desire with porches of your choice, including wraparound, closed-in, just a porch roof, or just a deck. You may choose from our three models: Two-Story Gable, Two-Story Gambrel, or One-Story Gable. We do not finish out the interior; we build the shell of your cabin, so inside it's a large, open space ready for you to get creative! The pricing on all of our cabins includes the following specs:

  • Yes, prices include Materials AND Labor!
  • High-quality, premium materials ONLY!
  • Yes, prices include the siding! High-quality, Kiln-dried, Eastern White Pine Siding, put up Board & Batten Style - We do the real deal, no fake stuff here. These boards we use are special ordered and are the highest quality we can find. (no other siding options - no logs, no fake logs, no fake wood/vinyl, no other wood varieties, no metal siding, etc.)
  • Yes, prices include the metal roof too! 29 gauge Painted Metal - 40 year metal - many beautiful color choices
  • Ventilated Ridge Cap
  • Vapor Barrier Underlayment below metal
  • NOW INCLUDED! Upgraded 5/8" OSB Sheathing on rafters (under underlayment and metal)
  • Metal Drip Edge​
  • 2x6 Fascia Board NOW INCLUDED with standard pricing- (add fascia metal as an upgrade)
  • Rafters sized per model and width - One-Story Gable uses trusses - Both on 24" centers 
  • About a foot overhang along porches and gambrel/gable ends/widths of cabins - Gable cabins have the foot overhang down the cabin lengths as well.
  • 5/8 inch OSB Subfloor for first and second floor or loft (upgrade to 3/4" Tongue & Groove {Advantech or comparable} for a fee - recommended)
  • Floor Joists - 1st and 2nd Floor: 20-26 wide uses 2 x 8’s; 28-30 wide uses 2 x 10’s - All on 16 inch centers
  • The main beam to hold the first floor is included on crawl space jobs. We can install the beam on a basement job if you'd like us to, but that's not included in standard pricing. 
  • Standard 8 foot ceiling on first floor (raise it up to 9 or 10' for a small fee)
  • Sidewalls -2x4's on 2' centers with horizontal 2x4's laid flat as a nailer board for siding Meaning, you'll nearly have a nominal 6" wall to insulate - If you WANT 2x6's &/or 16" on centers, we can do that for a reasonable fee, but structurally most of our customers agree they don't need it. The vertical 2x4's, horizontal 2x4's, along with the kiln-dried white pine boards AND battens, create a VERY strong exoskeleton. For insulation purposes, most of our customers find that they get all the insulation they need in the nominal 6" sidewall with the 2x4 studs and the horizontal 2x4 that ties them together, thus eliminating the need to go to 2x6 studs, in which case they just about have a nominal 8" sidewall to insulate. Your call! 16" on centers is a common upgrade due to ease of finish work such as drywall and hanging cabinetry, although structurally we don't push it unless you're raising the sidewall height. 
  • Two-story models include a basic set of steps straight up to the second floor - 3' or 4' wide, your choice. Stair placement is mainly determined by customer. (add a 90 degree turn landing a couple steps up for $200 or a bigger landing reasonably priced on site)
  • Two-story models INCLUDE A FULL SECOND FLOOR OR LOFT, your choice - Full 2nd floor is the same size as the first floor - Loft shape determined by customer - Many customers choose an end loft (meaning the full width of the cabin has a floor on half and open to a cathedral ceiling on the other half); some choose a 3/4 or "L-Shape" loft, and some do a "U-Shape" loft with an opening for a cathedral ceiling in the front/center - call to discuss options  
  • Housewrap NOW included. It's meant to try to put a stop to any infiltration of moisture that might try to get through the rustic siding, while allowing the cabin to breathe. 
  • 4" Porch Posts (can be upgraded to 6"x6" for small fee, added in on last day); lower posts below the porch are considered part of the foundation, thus will be added to the invoice on the last day. Some folks are a foot above their concrete pad while other are 10' or more; it's easiest for us and cheapest for our customers if we just wait and see what was actually used once we're done.   
  • Installation of 5 customer-provided, standard size (3x5 or 4x4 or smaller), new construction style windows manufactured with a nailing flange: no charge. Extra standard installs currently cost $95 per window, bigger windows (up to 6' one direction) are $115. Few installs come with additional fees that are reasonably priced on site - call to discuss, for example: rounded or geometric windows, windows bigger than 6' in one direction, windows up high where there is no 2nd floor, etc. All windows must be new construction windows with a manufactured-on nailing flange, no clip on flanges, no replacement nor used windows; J-Channel is not needed but is OK. Sorry, we don't install any used, replacement, or bay windows.  
  • Installation of 2 customer provided, standard size (up to 36" wide framed opening) pre-hung, exterior doors: no charge; extra standard installs cost $95 per door, patio doors/double doors/single door with sidelight are $115. Sorry, SweetCabins does not install door knobs, locks, or screen/storm doors.
  • All porches are finished and nicely trimmed out. Highest quality available of T1-11 is overhead; you're not looking up at the rafters, sheathing, or underside of the metal. - End porches along a cabin width stop short of the corner a couple feet (depending on model and cabin specifics) in order to fit within the cabin roofline. Closed-in porches priced separately. Click here for more information on our PORCHES.
  • We build on customer provided, properly engineered foundations; no charge to build on a low crawl space 3-4 blocks high. If it's higher than 4 courses at any point inside or out, it's totally fine, just a small $275 per course fee added to the final invoice. The basement set fee is currently $1895 for us to build on a standard 8' or 9' tall basement. The basement can be all down in the ground, all four walls up out of the ground, or some combination of the two. We can build on a low post-system up to 6' high (typically customer has 6x6's out of the ground; we'll level them off, tie them together, and build on up) currently for $1295. Once you are on the wait list, we'll review the necessary details needed and draw up a print that will delineate where the weight loads will fall, measurements, and specifics for your foundation and get that emailed over to you. We do not offer any foundation work.
  • Transportation not included - This price is based on cabin and porch dimensions and specifics along with site location - Just give us a call when you're ready for that step and we can get a figure for you!​ Generally it's 2-4 grand for average sized cabins at an average distance.
  • We're happy to build some porch steps - priced on site on last day once we see exact material/labor required. 
  • We can add basement steps - currently $395 for a standard, straight set up for a 8-9' tall basement
  • Many customers choose to add some Dormers to either of the two-story models - priced separately - We offer SHED style dormers in any length. 
  • NO extra fees or taxes or anything added to the cabin prices unless you choose to deviate from our standard build specifications and build processes. (We've encountered just a couple folks in the past building within city limits where there are additional city taxes.)
  • Honest, friendly assistance is also included in your cabin prices! But, be kind and patient with her, she's all you've got until the boys show up. 

What are some things that are NOT included in the price?

Foundation or other ground work, windows & doors (but we'll install them for you), interior walls, electric, plumbing, insulation/ventilation (besides the included ridge vent), architectural drawings, floor plans, railings, finishing touches like your drywall, flooring, cabinetry, furniture, a cat, a significant other, etc.    (nor do we offer any of these services - maybe we could find ya a stray cat)

Our Three Cabin Models:

Curious what our customers have to say?


Want more examples? Need more ideas?


A great place to start!

Cabin Specifications